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Firefox: Menu Wizard

Дата последнего изменения: 18 Августа 2014
Метки статьи: Готовые решения, © Авторское, Soft, Firefox
Menu Wizard - это дополнение к браузеру Firefox , которое поможет вам настроить меню: удаление, перемещение и переименование. Так же поддерживается SeaMonkey и Thunderbird.

Похожие материалы:

randavis (гость) • ответить
Can you make it possible to remove the "Mobile Bookmarks" folder in firefox?
Please send your message to forum mozillaZine:
doru (гость) • ответить
diabetes is drug induced
Its for diabetes 1 type or 2 type?
These types are very different.
1 type is insulin-dependent.
Without insulin my son will die
WIll (гость) • ответить
For some reason, when I install the add-on and create shorts cuts, (for example ctrl+p on my mac to "pin" a tab) none of the custom shortcuts work. Even after restarting firefox. Any suggestions here?
Please send your questions to forum:
Roy Heath (гость) • ответить
Are you going to update Menu Wizard so that it will work in Firefox 57 its a great addon I will be very sorry if it no longer works in November. Best wishes Roy
Unfortunately WebExtensions does not have functionality for working with the menu
But you can install Firefox 52 ESR and enjoy the work until June 2018
Russell (гость) • ответить
Thank you for your addons. They are perfect in Palemoon, because PM is never going down the web-extension path.

Your "S3.Google Translator" is listed in Palemoon Extensions https://addons.palemoon.org/extensions/ with a link to the mozilla AMO web page. Is there any other download source other than moz. AMO ?
If Mozilla remove non-WE addons from their list (at some time) your XUL addons will be lost.
Have you considered Github ? Personally I know nothing about Github other than I download apps and some exetnsions from Github

Would you mind if Palemoon listed "Menu Wizard" on Extensions page ?
I am sorry to hear your son is so ill with diabetes. It must be very difficult for you and your wife.
Every time I see your name or S3, you stay in my thoughts for several minutes.
I hope users of your software are being generous with financial donations.

Thank you once again
Russell (in Australia)

On Palemoon forum I am "bawldiggle" you can send a message from there.
- I dont want to enter my email address on this public blog
do not worry
if Mozilla decides to remove the old XUL add-ons, then I'll transfer them to the PaleMoon gallery

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