Lytebox can be configured by editing the main JavaScript file, lytebox.js. Shown below are the lines in lytebox.js which are configurable. The comments (text following the "//" characters) are fairly self-explanatory, so I won't go into any further detail.
/*** Start Global Configuration ***/
this.theme = 'grey'; // themes: grey (default), red, green, blue, gold
this.hideFlash = true; // controls whether or not Flash objects should be hidden
this.outerBorder = false; // controls whether to show the outer grey (or theme) border
this.resizeSpeed = 8; // controls the speed of the image resizing (1=slowest and 10=fastest)
this.maxOpacity = 80; // higher opacity = darker overlay, lower opacity = lighter overlay
this.navType = 1; // 1 = "Prev/Next" buttons on top left and left (default),
// 2 = "<< prev | next >>" links next to image number
// 3 = navType_1 + navType_2
this.autoResize = true; // controls whether or not images should be resized if larger than the browser window dimensions
this.doAnimations = true; // controls whether or not "animate" Lytebox, i.e. resize transition between images, fade in/out effects, etc.
this.borderSize = 12; // if you adjust the padding in the CSS, you will need to update this variable -- otherwise, leave this alone...
/*** End Global Configuration ***/
/*** Configure Slideshow Options ***/
this.slideInterval = 10000; // Change value (milliseconds) to increase/decrease the time between "slides" (10000 = 10 seconds)
this.showNavigation = true; // true to display Next/Prev buttons/text during slideshow, false to hide
this.showClose = true; // true to display the Close button, false to hide
this.showDetails = true; // true to display image details (caption, count), false to hide
this.showPlayPause = true; // true to display pause/play buttons next to close button, false to hide
this.autoEnd = true; // true to automatically close Lytebox after the last image is reached, false to keep open
this.pauseOnNextClick = false; // true to pause the slideshow when the "Next" button is clicked
this.pauseOnPrevClick = true; // true to pause the slideshow when the "Prev" button is clicked
/*** End Slideshow Configuration ***/